More than 50 State Legislators Endorse Josh Hawley for U.S. Senate

Aug. 6, 2018

More than 50 State Legislators Endorse Josh Hawley for U.S. Senate

COLUMBIA, Mo. — On Monday, U.S. Senate candidate Attorney General Josh Hawley announced a list of more than 50 state legislators who endorse his candidacy. The support of so many elected officials from across Missouri reflects Josh Hawley’s stellar reputation as Attorney General, as well as the success of his unifying message.

“I am honored to receive the endorsements of so many men and women who work to pass legislation that protects and bolsters our way of life,” Josh Hawley said in response to the outpouring of support. “As Attorney General, I have upheld and enforced those laws. As Senator, I’ll fight for the principles we all share.”

Members of the Missouri Senate endorsing Josh Hawley:

President Pro Tem Ron Richard
Senator Mike Cierpiot
Senator Sandy Crawford
Senator Bill Eigel
Senator Dan Hegeman
Senator Doug Libla
Senator Brian Munzlinger
Senator Bob Onder
Senator Gary Romine
Senator Caleb Rowden
Senator David Sater
Senator Dave Schatz
Senator Wayne Wallingford
Senator Jay Wasson

Members of the Missouri House of Representatives endorsing Josh Hawley:

Speaker Todd Richardson
Speaker Pro Tem Elijah Haahr
Rep. Sonya Anderson
Rep. Kevin Austin
Rep. Chuck Basye
Rep. Mike Bernskoetter
Rep. TJ Berry
Rep. Rusty Black
Rep. Jack Bondon
Rep. Phil Christofanelli
Rep. Kathie Conway
Rep. Steve Cookson
Rep. Bruce DeGroot
Rep. Shamed Dogan
Rep. Kevin Engler
Rep. Jean Evans
Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick
Rep. Travis Fitzwater
Rep. Jim Hansen
Rep. Steve Helms
Rep. Hannah Kelly
Rep. Jeff Knight
Rep. Donna Lichtenegger
Rep. Rocky Miller
Rep. Don Phillips
Rep. Dean Plocher
Rep. Don Rone
Rep. Lyle Rowland
Rep. Nick Schroer
Rep. Dan Shaul
Rep. Noel Shull
Rep. Cody Smith
Rep. Mike Stephens
Rep. Kathy Swan
Rep. Jered Taylor
Rep. Curtis Trent
Rep. John Wiemann