To Defeat Claire McCaskill, Missouri Conservatives Must Vote For Josh Hawley

RedState endorses Josh Hawley for U.S. Senate

Joe Cunningham
Assistant Managing Editor
RedState.comMay 8, 2018
2018 is here, and midterm campaigns are heating up. While a lot of the focus is on the House of Representatives, Democrats are quietly worrying about a handful of Senate seats they hold in deep red states – Missouri being one of them.

Claire McCaskill is regarded as one of the most vulnerable of those Democratic Senators, and the race to challenge her is on. On the Republican side, there is a small handful of folks, but the best chance they have of defeating McCaskill is a conservative named Josh Hawley.


We’re not looking for Senate candidates who talk about supporting the President against this or that, and we’re not looking for someone with vague ideas about what it means to be a conservative in Congress.


Most importantly, he understands that standing up for your liberties means that it could put him at odds with his fellow Republicans at times – and he’s willing to do that.

Read the full article here.