Hawley Campaign Launches TV Ad on Supreme Court

July 9, 2018

Hawley Campaign Launches TV Ad on Supreme Court

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Josh Hawley, Missouri Attorney General, member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, and former Supreme Court Clerk, today launched his U.S. Senate campaign’s first television ad of the cycle, titled “At The Court.”

The ad highlights Hawley’s background at the Supreme Court and Senator McCaskill’s record of supporting activist liberal judges. The ad begins airing today, July 9.

“The Supreme Court is a pivotal issue in this race. I know the importance of the Court because I’ve worked there. I’ve litigated there,” said Josh Hawley about the ad. “Missourians want a justice who will faithfully follow the law the people wrote. Claire McCaskill has endorsed activist liberals every time. She needs to finally make a break with Chuck Schumer and represent the people of Missouri.”

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Transcribed audio:

Josh Hawley:

The eyes of the nation are on Missouri. We decide which values control the Senate, and the Supreme Court.

Claire McCaskill wants liberals in charge. That’s how she votes. That’s not Missouri’s way, and it won’t be my way.

I got my start at the Supreme Court, defending religious liberty. I even met my wife there – she’s a tough lawyer, too.

I’m Josh Hawley. I know our way of life is at risk. That’s why I approve this message.