Hawley Launches ‘Stop Schumer, Fire Claire Tour’ Across Missouri

Sept. 24, 2018

Hawley Launches ‘Stop Schumer, Fire Claire Tour’ Across Missouri

Kick-off stop to be held in Jefferson County today

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley’s U.S. Senate campaign is launching a new statewide tour today: the Stop Schumer, Fire Claire Tour. Hawley issued the following statement:

“Control of the U.S. Senate is going to come down to Missouri. We have the ability to decide if we want the radical, left-wing agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to control Washington, or if we want new leadership that will support the President in his mission to get things done for our state and our country.

“We already know which side Claire McCaskill is on. Look no further than her decision to vote no on yet another Supreme Court nominee under President Trump. That’s exactly what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi wanted her to do all along. On judges, tax cuts, protecting the border, and the list goes on – Claire McCaskill is wrong every single time.

“For over a decade now, Senator Claire McCaskill has drifted away from Missouri. She flies over us in her private plane, from family vacations with Chuck Schumer, to Hollywood fundraisers with Barack Obama, to her luxury condo in D.C. Claire McCaskill is just another Washington liberal fighting for the Pelosi-Schumer agenda now, and Missouri is ready to do something about it in November.”

With less than 45 days until Election Day, the Stop Schumer, Fire Claire Tour will cross all corners of the state starting Monday in Jefferson County.

McCaskill is Fighting for the Pelosi-Schumer Agenda

Bad on Border Security

McCaskill Flip-Flopped On Withholding Certain Law Enforcement Grants For Sanctuary Cities.

In February 2018, McCaskill Voted For Cloture On The Toomey Amendment That Would Make Sanctuary Cities Ineligible For Certain Federal Law Enforcement Grants. (S.Amdt. 1948 To S.Amdt. 1959 To H.R. 2579, Roll Call Vote #34: Cloture Motion Rejected 54-45, 2/15/18, McCaskill Voted Yea; CQ Summary, Accessed 2/16/18)

Previously, McCaskill Voted Twice Against Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To Bills That Would Withhold Federal Law Enforcement Grants For Sanctuary Cities:

  • In July 2016, McCaskill Voted Against Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To A Bill That Would Make Sanctuary Cities Ineligible For Certain Federal Law Enforcement Grants. (S. 3100, Roll Call Vote #119: Cloture On The Motion To Proceed Rejected 53-44, 7/6/16, McCaskill Voted Nay; CQ Summary, 7/6/16)
  • In October 2015, McCaskill Voted Against Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To A Bill That Would Withhold Certain Federal Law Enforcement Funds For Sanctuary Cities. (S. 2146, Roll Call Vote #280: Cloture On The Motion To Proceed Rejected 54-45, 10/20/15, McCaskill Voted Nay; CQ Summary, Accessed 1/15/16)

McCaskill Is Not Supportive Of President Trump’s Border Wall.

  • McCaskill On Border Wall: “It’s Embarrassing. It’s Not Going To Happen.” “‘It’s embarrassing,’ McCaskill said. ‘It’s not going to happen. Everybody in Congress knows it’s not going to happen…. It appears the only person who won’t say it out loud is the president.’” (CBS News, 4/5/17)

McCaskill Opposes Asking Citizenship Status In The U.S. Census.

  • MCCASKILL: “I do think there’s going to be litigation over it. Yeah, California filed suit saying that it was unconstitutional because it was depressing the count. It is I believe blatantly partisan.” (Claire McCaskill, Remarks, Springfield, MO, 3/27/18)

McCaskill Is A Current Co-Sponsor Of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Open Borders Bill.

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s, D-Calif., “Keep Families Together Act,” a bill aimed at resolving the family separation problem that has unanimous Democratic support in the upper chamber. But even Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has called the legislation “far too broad,” arguing it would essentially prevent arrests within 100 miles of the border even if the person has committed a serious crime, or is suspected of terrorist activity.” (Washington Examiner, 6/21/18)
  • McCaskill is a co-sponsor of S. 3036, the “Keep Families Together Act” sponsored by California Senator Dianne Feinstein. (Congress.gov, 9/13/18)

Supports Big-Government Health Care

McCaskill Supports ObamaCare, Which Has Raised Premiums For Missourians

McCaskill Voted For Obamacare. (Roll Call Vote #396, 12/24/09, McCaskill Voted Yea; Roll Call Vote #105: Bill Passed 56-43, 3/25/10, McCaskill Voted Yea)

McCaskill Has Voted At Least Nine Times Against Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare. (Roll Call Vote #179, 7/28/17, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Voted #169, 7/26/17, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #329, 12/3/15, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #253, 7/26/15, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #171, 5/5/15, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #69, 3/22/13, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #51, 3/22/13, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #46, 3/21/13, McCaskill Voted Nay; Roll Call Vote #9, 1, 2/2/11, McCaskill Voted Nay)

According To The Department Of Health And Human Services, Missouri’s Individual Market Premiums Have Increased By An Average Of $286, Or 145 Percent, From $197 In 2013 To $483 In 2017. (“Individual Market Premium Changes: 2013 – 2017,” Department Of Health And Human Services, 5/23/17)

McCaskill Claims She Opposes Bernie Sanders’ $32 Trillion “Medicare For All” Bill, But Voted “Present” On A Similar Proposal When It Came Up

McCaskill Claims She Opposes Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare For All” Bill. “U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri won’t be among the Democrats backing U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ plan to expand Medicare to cover all Americans.” (Kansas City Star, 9/13/17)

Bloomberg: “‘Medicare For All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says” (Bloomberg, 7/30/18)

“Medicare For All” And “Single-Payer” Are Interchangeable. (Bloomberg, 7/30/18)

McCaskill Voted “Present” On A Proposal To Implement A Government-Run, Single-Payer Health Insurance System In The U.S. (Roll Call Vote #173, 7/27/17, McCaskill Voted Present)

Wants Higher Taxes

In December 2017, McCaskill Voted Against The Tax Reform Legislation, Which Cut Individual And Corporate Tax Rates. (Roll Call Vote #323, 12/20/17, McCaskill Voted Nay)

  • McCaskill Called The Tax Cuts For Working Families “Scraps.” “I wanted to support real tax reform. This isn’t it—this is a bad deal for Missouri families. Working people in Missouri deserve better than to get scraps, while corporations and wealthy business owners make out like bandits in a plan that explodes our deficit and compromises our military.” (Sen. Claire McCaskill, Press Release, 11/16/17)

In April 2018, McCaskill Said She Would Vote To Repeal The Part Of The GOP Tax Reform Law That Are Aimed At The Rich. “Sen. Claire McCaskill says she would vote to repeal tax cuts aimed at the rich in the bill passed by Republicans and signed into law by President Donald Trump late last year, but that she would ‘never vote to repeal the parts that help middle-class families.’” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 4/18/18)

Since Arriving In Washington, McCaskill Has Cast 200+ Votes For Higher Taxes And Fees On Missouri.

  • McCaskill Voted At Least Five Times For Income Tax Hikes. (S. 1660, Roll Call Vote #160, 10/11/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 1917, Roll Call Vote #219, 12/1/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 1944, Roll Call Vote #224, 12/8/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 1177, Roll Call Vote #247, 7/16/15; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 3412, Roll Call Vote #184, 7/25/12; McCaskill voted YEA)
  • McCaskill Voted At Least Fourteen Times For Higher Taxes On Energy. (S. 3044, Roll Call Vote #146, 6/10/08; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 223, Roll Call Vote #7, 2/2/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 940, Roll Call Vote #72, 5/17/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 2204, Roll Call Vote #59, 3/26/12; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 2204, Roll Call Vote #63, 3/29/12; McCaskill voted YEA; HR 5297, Roll Call Vote #233, 9/14/10; Motion agreed to 61-37: D 57-0, R 2-37, I 2-0; McCaskill voted Yea; HR 5297, Roll Call Vote #236, 9/16/10; Motion agreed to 61-38: D 57-0, R 2-38, I 2-0; McCaskill voted Yea; HR 5297, Roll Call Vote #237, 9/16/10; Passed 61-38: D 57-0, R 2-38, I 2-0; McCaskill voted Yea; S. 2012, Roll Call Vote #14, 2/2/16; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 1813, Roll Call Vote #36, 3/13/12; McCaskill voted NAY; (S. 1, Roll Call Vote #19, 1/22/15; Rejected 50-47: R 5-47; D 43-0; I 2-0; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 1813, Roll Call Vote #39, 3/13/12; McCaskill voted NAY; S. 223, Roll Call Vote #20, 2/17/11; McCaskill voted YEA; S. 223, Roll Call Vote #25, 2/17/11; McCaskill voted YEA)
  • McCaskill Opposed Death Tax Relief At Least Eight Times. (S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #159: Motion Agreed To 54-41: R 46-0; D 8-39; I 0-2, 5/9/07, McCaskill Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #50: Rejected 50-50: R 48-1; D 2-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, McCaskill Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #77, Rejected 48-50: R 47-1; D 1-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, McCaskill Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #102: Rejected 48-51: R 48-1; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, McCaskill Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #109: Rejected 44-55: R 44-5; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, McCaskill Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #43: Rejected 47-52: R 47-2; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/13/08, McCaskill Voted Nay; H.R. 4213, CQ Vote #213: Motion rejected 39-59: R 37-3; D 2-54; I 0-2, 7/21/10, McCaskill Voted Nay; S Con Res 11, Roll Call Vote #114, 3/26/15; Adopted 54-46: R 53-1, D 1-43, I 0-2; McCaskill voted NAY)
  • McCaskill Voted At Least THREE Times Against Repealing The Obamacare ‘Cadillac’ Tax. (HR 3762, Roll Call Vote #316, 12/3/15; Adopted 90-10: R 51-3, D 37-7, I 2-0; McCaskill voted NAY; HR 3762, Roll Call Vote #326, 12/3/15; Motion rejected 52-47: R 52-2, D 0-44, I 0-1; McCaskill voted NAY; HR 3762, Roll Call Vote #329, 12/3/15; Passed 52-47: R 52-2, D 0-44, I 0-1; McCaskill voted NAY)
  • McCaskill Voted At Least TWICE Against Comprehensive Tax Reform Legislation. (H Con Res 71, Roll Call Vote #219, 10/17/17; Motion agreed to 50-47: R 50-0, D 0-45, I 0-2; McCaskill voted Nay; H Con Res 71, Roll Call Vote #245, 10/19/17; Adopted 51-49: R 51-1, D 0-46, I 0-2; McCaskill voted Nay)
  • McCaskill Voted At Least TWICE To Make It Harder For The Senate To Cut Taxes. (H Con Res 71, Roll Call Vote #224, 10/18/17; Motion rejected 46-52: R 0-51, D 44-1, I 2-0; McCaskill voted Yea; H Con Res 71, Roll Call Vote #234, 10/19/17; Motion rejected 47-52: R 0-52, D 45-0, I 2-0; McCaskill voted Yea)

Opposes Conservative Judges

McCaskill Has Been Wrong on the Last 6 Supreme Court Nominees

  • Running For Senate, McCaskill Said She Would Have Opposed Samuel Alito’s Nomination. (Associated Press, 1/21/06)
  • McCaskill Voted To Confirm Elena Kagan To Be An Associate Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court. (CQ Vote #229: Confirmed 63-37: R 5-36; D 56-1; I 2-0, 8/5/10, McCaskill Voted Yea)
  • McCaskill Voted To Confirm Sonia Sotomayor To Be An Associate Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court. (CQ Vote #262: Confirmed 68-31: R 9-31; D 57-0; I 2-0, 8/6/09, McCaskill Voted Yea)
  • McCaskill Supported President Obama’s Nominee, Merrick Garland. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 4/13/16)
  • McCaskill Voted Against Confirming Justice Neil Gorsuch To The Supreme Court. (New York Times, 4/7/17)
  • McCaskill Plans To Oppose The Nomination Of Judge Brett Kavanaugh To The Supreme Court. (Politico, 9/19/18)

McCaskill Voted For 100 Percent Of Obama’s Judicial Nominees

From 2009 To 2016, McCaskill Did Not Cast A Single Vote Against An Obama Judicial Nomination. “McCaskill did not cast a single vote against an Obama judicial nomination from 2009 to 2016.” (Washington Examiner, 4/6/17)

Against Gun Rights

McCaskill: “I Have An ‘F’ From The NRA.” (Washington Times, 3/8/18)

Kansas City Star Headline: “Claire McCaskill Calls For More Gun Control” (Kansas City Star, 12/3/15)

McCaskill Opposes Allowing Interstate Reciprocity On Permits To Carry Concealed Weapons

  • McCaskill Said She Was Against Allowing Interstate Reciprocity On Permits To Carry Concealed Weapons. “‘Our state has passed some of the most liberal gun laws in the country, and that’s the law here,’ McCaskill said. ‘But I don’t think it’s fair for us to impose our laws on another state.’” (Springfield News-Leader, 8/22/17)
  • McCaskill Voted Against Allowing Individuals With A Valid Concealed-Carry Permit In Their Home State To Carry Concealed Firearms In Any State That Has Permits For Firearms Or Does Not Prohibit Residents From Carrying Them. (S. Amdt. 1618 To S. 1390, Roll Call Vote # 237: Rejected 58-39, 7/22/09, McCaskill Voted Nay; CQ Summary, Accessed 1/15/16)