Hawley on NFL National Anthem Policy: “Long Overdue”

May 24, 2018

Hawley on NFL National Anthem Policy: “Long Overdue”

COLUMBIA, Mo. – On KCMO’s “Pete Mundo Morning Show” today, Josh Hawley commented on the NFL’s new policy instituting fines for players who do not stand for the national anthem:

“Well I think it’s long overdue. I’m glad that the NFL has finally come around to the idea that the flag represents our country, those who have sacrificed for our country, the history of our country. And I can say, as somebody who had family fight in Vietnam – my uncle proudly served our country in the Vietnam conflict… my sister wears the uniform of the United States – she’s a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy… that flag means something to me, it means something to my family, and this is the right thing to do. And here’s what I think, Pete. Look, if players don’t want to stand for our flag and show some basic respect, then those fines ought to go to help disabled veterans who have given their all in service and defense of our country.”