Josh Hawley on Primary Election Victory

Aug. 7, 2018

Josh Hawley on Primary Election Victory

“My message is clear. Senator McCaskill, let’s debate.”

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Attorney General Josh Hawley issued the following statement Tuesday night after winning the Missouri Republican Primary for U.S. Senate:

“Tonight the conservative people of Missouri sent a message loud and clear to the Washington elites. Missouri sent a message in 2016, but Claire McCaskill was so comfortable in her Washington condo that she couldn’t hear it. The hardworking people of our state voted in favor of conservative judges, middle class tax cuts, more jobs, secure borders. Claire McCaskill didn’t listen then, and she refuses to listen now. This fall, we have another chance to make our voices heard – and send her home for good.

“With this critical step, I am proposing a series of one-on-one debates all over Missouri. Just me and Senator McCaskill. No moderator. No complicated rules. Just me and Claire McCaskill debating on the back of a flatbed truck, traveling all over the state to air out our differences. That way everyone in Missouri can make up their mind based on what they see with their own eyes. And it starts tomorrow.

“The outcome of this campaign is vital to Missouri. Control of the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance. I’m honored to receive this support from our party, and I am determined to be a messenger for the people of Missouri as we move forward.”