“Keep your powder dry.” McCaskill’s sure trying.

West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin met with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Why won’t Claire McCaskill?

According to a new Politico report, Democrats are taking their cues from their liberal party leader, Chuck Schumer. “‘All Chuck ever says in caucus [meetings], it’s pretty well known: “Keep your powder dry. Don’t commit. Stay as neutral as you can, as long as you can,”’ said Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).”

And Missourians can see Senator McCaskill following those orders in lock-step fashion:

…“typically chatty Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) doesn’t even want to talk about Kavanaugh until she’s decided how she will vote.

‘I’m not going to speak about it until after I’ve learned more and have made up my mind,’ McCaskill said.”

Why is Senator McCaskill refusing to even meet with Judge Brett Kavanaugh?

Because she’s not so “independent” after all. If she was, she’d ask for a meeting with Kavanaugh, like Manchin did – or, at least discuss it before she “makes up her mind.”

Claire McCaskill only cares about taking orders from Chuck Schumer. She could care less about what Missourians want. But don’t worry, she’ll let us know once her decision is made…