McCaskill’s Relationship with Russia: It’s Complicated

April 25, 2018

McCaskill’s Relationship with Russia: It’s Complicated

Senator Claire McCaskill has a complicated relationship when it comes to the truth about her feelings on Russia. When confronted about her 2016 election night comments, blaming the “F****** Russians,” McCaskill now tells the St. Louis Post-Dispatch she “does not remember saying that” and that it was “not her sentiment at the time.”

But this isn’t the first time McCaskill has been tripped up on Russia. Just after President Trump was elected, McCaskill – a member of the Armed Services Committee – tweeted that she never met with the Russian ambassador, as a way to attack a member of President Trump’s administration. It turns out, she lied. She met with the Russian Ambassador in 2013. A PolitiFact check rated her 2017 comments “False.”

For Senator McCaskill, it’s all about doing what she thinks is politically convenient. She thinks she’ll get a pass when she fudges the truth or “doesn’t remember.”

“Senator McCaskill can’t have it both ways. Does she believe the Russians are to blame for Trump’s victory or not? She’s the Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Committee, who blamed Russia on election night as reported by two respected journalists. Who’s not telling the whole story here?” –Kelli Ford, spokesperson for the Hawley for Senate campaign