What is Senator McCaskill Hiding in Her Family’s Tax Returns?

Sept. 13, 2018

What is Senator McCaskill Hiding in Her Family’s Tax Returns?

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Yesterday, Senator Claire McCaskill refused to release her husband’s tax returns. Her family has benefited from hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars since she entered the U.S. Senate in 2006, and she is now one of the richest members of Congress – but she is refusing to be transparent about all of her finances. In contrast, Josh and Erin Hawley released nearly 60 pages in tax returns to provide a full picture of how the Hawley family earns money.

Senator McCaskill should be asked the following questions:

  1. Why does Senator McCaskill continue to refuse to release her husband’s tax returns? The Senator’s family has amassed a massive taxpayer-subsidized fortune from her husband’s work with nursing homes, conservation easements, low-income housing tax credits, and government housing subsidies. Does she believe the public has a right to see how her family profits off the government while she holds a seat in the U.S. Senate?
  2. What effective tax rate does her husband pay?
  3. Does Senator McCaskill’s husband utilize any non-profits to shield or defer tax liability?
  4. Who is paying for Senator McCaskill’s private plane? Senator McCaskill makes about $224,000 per year, but she says she pays for her own plane. This defies the principles of math. How is that possible?
  5. Senator McCaskill’s family has offshore investments in the Caymans. How much in taxes is Senator McCaskill’s family not paying because of these offshore accounts?