Senator McCaskill, Will You Repeal Our Tax Cuts?

April 16, 2018

Senator McCaskill, Will You Repeal Our Tax Cuts?

This time next year, many Missouri families will see lower taxes come Tax Day. Some are already starting to see increases in their paychecks, while others have received notable bonuses from their respective employers. That’s because of the new tax cut law going into effect, no thanks to Senator Claire McCaskill…

First, Senator McCaskill Attacked The GOP Tax Cuts As “Scraps.” “I wanted to support real tax reform. This isn’t it—this is a bad deal for Missouri families. Working people in Missouri deserve better than to get scraps…” (McCaskill Press Release, 11/16/17)

That Makes Sense Coming From The Millionaire Senator, Whose Campaign Is Heavily Funded By ActBlue – A Bundling System For Some Of America’s Most Liberal Senators.

  • McCaskill has pulled in $5,884,221 from ActBlue this cycle (2017-18). (Source: FEC, 4/13/18)

McCaskill Ultimately Voted Against Tax Relief For Missouri Families. (New York Times, 12/19/17)

But Under The New Law, Senator McCaskill Has Been Largely Silent On The Good News In Missouri. “A spokeswoman for McCaskill said the Missouri Democrat would not comment on Great Southern’s bonuses.” (Springfield News-Leader, 1/4/18)

Now Democrats Are Speaking Up About Wanting To Repeal Your Tax Cut:

  • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “We Want To Roll Back The Republicans’ Tax Giveaways…” “‘We want to roll back the Republicans’ tax giveaways to corporations and the wealthy and invest that money instead in jobs and infrastructure,’ Schumer said.” (Daily Caller, 4/5/18)
  • DSCC Chairman Sen. Chris Van Hollen To Senate Democrats: Embrace Repeal. “Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen, who leads Senate Democrats’ 2018 campaign efforts, encouraged all of his party’s candidates, even the most vulnerable, to embrace their opposition to the tax law. ‘Our members will be talking to these issues,’ Van Hollen said. ‘It doesn’t matter if you’re a red state or a blue state, the idea of running up the debt by $1.5 trillion and cutting Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy is not popular.’” (Associated Press, 2/28/18)
  • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Said Democrats Could Repeal And Replace The Tax Law. “Pelosi acknowledged Democrats will need to retake the House to have any chance of repealing and replacing the tax law. ‘It may have to be a ‘replace and repeal’ — replace them and repeal the bill,’ she said. But Pelosi also said that, to endure, any tax reforms should be bipartisan. And she left the door open for a low corporate tax rate.” (The Hill, 2/1/18)
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: “We Have Got To Repeal All Of President Trump’s Tax Breaks.” “‘At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, we have got to repeal all of President Trump’s tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations and rebuild the disappearing middle class,’ [Bernie Sanders] added.” (Washington Examiner, 4/9/18)
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren Has Vowed To “Change” The Tax Cut Law.“‘The Republicans have just crammed through a tax bill to give $1.4 trillion in giveaways to billionaires and giant corporations, and they expect hardworking families across this country to pay for it,”’ Warren said, speaking to reporters in Roxbury. ‘I don’t think that a single working person in this country should pay more in taxes in order to give breaks to billionaires and giant multinational corporations, and if I had a chance I would change that,’ Warren said.” (Mass Live, 1/8/18)

The Democrats Have Made Their Tax Cut Repeal Clear:

  • Headline: “Senate Democrats Pitch Repeal Of Tax Cuts To Fund Infrastructure.” (Politico, 3/7/18)
  • Headline: “Nancy Pelosi Vows Democrats Will Raise Taxes If They Take Back The House” (Daily Caller, 4/5/18)
  • Headline: “Bernie Sanders Calls For Repeal Of GOP Tax Law.” (Washington Examiner, 4/9/18)

So, What About Senator McCaskill? Missourians Deserve Answers:

  • Will McCaskill Repeal Our Tax Cuts?
  • Will McCaskill Take Back Our Tax Cut Bonus Checks?
  • Will McCaskill Change The Law To Raise Our Taxes?