SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Schumer’s Majority PAC Launches False Attack Ad

February 16, 2018

SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Schumer’s Majority PAC Launches False Attack Ad

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Senator Claire McCaskill’s allies, including Senator Chuck Schumer, launched a false attack ad on Thursday to try and deceive the voters of Missouri.

Senate Majority PAC’s ad contains several factual errors, including falsely claiming that “Claire McCaskill supported a middle-class tax cut” while Josh Hawley supported a tax cut for the “richest corporations and Americans” that will be paid for by cutting Medicare.

“It’s not surprising that Chuck Schumer’s PAC Is launching an attack ad to try and save Claire McCaskill from the conservative voters of Missouri. After all, they vacation and attend baseball games together,” said Kelli Ford, spokesperson for the Hawley for Senate campaign. “Claire didn’t support President Trump’s middle-class tax cuts – she opposed them. Josh Hawley is also fully committed to protecting Social Security and Medicare for our seniors. Missouri voters deserve better than discredited Democrat talking points.”


McCaskill Lie: “Claire McCaskill Supported A Middle-Class Tax Cut”
The Truth:

  • The very article cited in McCaskill’s ad states: “Sen. Claire McCaskill said she wanted to work with Republicans on a tax bill. In the end, she fell squarely in line with the Democratic Party.”(Lindsay Wise, “McCaskill vote on GOP tax bill could be tough sell in Trump-loving Missouri,” McClatchy, 11/17/17)

McCaskill Lie: The Tax Plan Gives 83% Of Tax Benefits To The Richest 1%

The Truth:

  • FactCheck.Org: “Democrats Are Repeating A Misleading Talking Point About Tax Cuts.” “The Republican tax plan was signed into law just last month, and Democrats already have a well-worn — and misleading — talking point about it: 83% of the tax cuts go to the wealthiest 1%. That’s true for 2027 but only because most of the individual income tax changes expire by then. In 2025 — the last year before those tax changes expire — only a quarter of the tax cuts go to the top 1%. It’s a classic case of politicians using a technically accurate statistic but without the context or explanation it requires. Without all the facts, the talking point leaves a misleading impression.”(Lori Robertson, “Fact check: Democrats are repeating a misleading talking point about tax cuts,” USA Today, 1/26/18)

McCaskill Lie: To Pay For Tax Cuts, There’s A Plan To Cut Medicare For Seniors

The Truth:

  • The Leaders Of The House And Senate Have Called Out This Democrat Lie, Stating Simply, “This Will Not Happen.” “Critics of tax reform are claiming the legislation would lead to massive, across-the-board spending cuts in vital programs—including a four percent reduction in Medicare—due to the Pay-Go law enacted in 2010. This will not happen. Congress has readily available methods to waive this law, which has never been enforced since its enactment. There is no reason to believe that Congress would not act again to prevent a sequester, and we will work to ensure these spending cuts are prevented.”(Office of the Senate Majority Leader, “Joint Statement from Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan on Misleading Democrat Claims About Tax Reform,”, 12/1/17)
  • An NBC News Fact Check Concluded That Due To The Likelihood Of Waiving The PAYGO Provision “The Odds Are Slim That Medicare Will Face Automatic Cuts As Part Of The Tax Fight.” “It is unlikely Medicare spending will actually be reduced next year as an immediate consequence of the tax bill — in fact, doing so could require Democrats to insist on cuts over Republican objections. The Medicare cuts stem from the current iteration of PAYGO, a law that requires Congress to offset increases in mandatory spending or reductions in tax revenue so that they don’t increase the deficit. If Congress violates the provision, the bill makes automatic cuts elsewhere unless the House and Senate vote to waive the requirement.”(Benjy Sarlin, “Fact check: Democrats claim GOP tax bill slashes $25 billion from Medicare,” NBC News, 11/21/17)
  • In December, Congress Waived The PAYGO Provision, Which Would Have Forced Spending Cuts. On December 22, 2017, An FY2018 Continuing Resolution Was Signed Into Law, Waiving PAYGO Provisions. “(Sec. 5001) Exempts the budgetary effects of division C and each succeeding division of this bill from Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) rules and certain budget scorekeeping guidelines. (Sec. 5002) Exempts the budgetary effects of specified reconciliation legislation from PAYGO rules. (This provision applies to the tax legislation that was signed into law on December 22, 2017, and was considered pursuant to the reconciliation instructions included in the FY2018 congressional budget resolution.)”(“Summary: H.R. 1370 – 115th Congress,”, 12/22/2017)
  • The FY2018 Continuing Resolution Included “Language To Waive The $125 Billion In Statutory Automatic ‘PAYGO’ Cuts That Would Otherwise Be Triggered Because Of The $1.5 Trillion Cost Of The Tax Bill Which Congress Passed Earlier This Week.” “Both chambers of Congress passed yet another FY2018 continuing resolution this evening, the House by a vote of 231-188 and the Senate by a vote of 66-32. This most recent CR would keep the government running through 19 January, and has been sent to the president for his signature, just a day before the current CR is set to expire…Of final note, the CR includes language to waive the $125 billion in statutory automatic “PAYGO” cuts that would otherwise be triggered because of the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax bill which Congress passed earlier this week. The House and Senate have adjourned until the new year. Meanwhile, with the PAYGO provisions waived, the White House will have a signing ceremony for the tax bill passed earlier this week.”(“Funding Crisis Averted, Tax Bill Is Signed Today,” University Of Washington: Federal Relations, 12/22/17)