Working Tour

Josh Hawley launched a 100-stop Working Tour to highlight middle-class Missourians who have been left behind by Senator Claire McCaskill.

The survival of the middle class is the defining struggle of our time. While the millionaires of Washington, Wall Street, and Hollywood thrive, hardworking Americans face stagnant wages, suffocating debt, and rising health care and education costs. As big banks, big pharma, and big government collude to ship jobs overseas, sabotage American farmers, and open up the border, middle-class Americans are being left behind.

At stops in every corner of the state, Josh will visit factories, farms and small businesses to argue why Senator McCaskill’s record of partisanship and voting lock-step with Chuck Schumer has hurt middle-class families, and what solutions the U.S. Senate should pursue to fix the problem.

Be A Part Of The Working Tour — Invite Josh To Your Business